Spybot 2.9 Download

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This page allows you to download the Free Edition of Spybot. If you want our great antivirus support or are unsure which version to use, check our comparison chart.

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Great. Excellent. Brilliant!

My Google Chrome browser was always triggering to unwanted page - Adcash and DoubleClick. Sometimes my browser triggering to porn sites. Other softwares fails to detect it, but Spybot Search & Destroy can do so through the scanning function. In the next review, Spybot Search & Destroy can improve this detection function in realtime protection. Thank you Spybot Search & Destroy version 2.4.40.


Worked when others did not!! 🙂

Pros: I spent several hours trying to remove a particular adware file that kept attempting to break through my avg antivirus. after about 5 other free products failed to remove this incredibly annoying file, I tried spybot and was thrilled to see that it was finally gone!!

Cons: I see none as of yet!

Summary: This product is easy to use and even the free version worked like a champ!


It is essential in our computer

What do you like best?

can be downloaded for free in its free version, and its main task is to detect and remove corrupt files, suspicious or spyware robots, which can be harmful to our computer.

The design of this program is really simple, with practically four buttons, to do everything, but still, it has many options.

What most attracts the attention of the program, at least to me, is the possibility of configuring it in several languages.

What do you dislike?

They should add other skins.

and it has a relatively high Ram Consumption [Note from Safer-Networking: this has been fixed in Spybot 2.7].

Recommendations to others considering the product

I recommend it because it is free and has a simple interface with intuitive options, it is effective, it removes malware, and it is always updated.

What business problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

protection in the work stations in combination with other antivirus makes me feel more protective against computer intrusions and malicious advertising.