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This page allows you to download the Free Edition of Spybot. If you want our great antivirus support or are unsure which version to use, check our comparison chart.
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Several years ago was a revolution and today is on the same level
Simple but revolutionary software that is a pleasure to work with. After installation 1st thing to do is to immunize a PC, only after that you can go with all other interesting options.
Leigh Rach
This to me looks like the best antimalware / antivirus on the market. will purchase soon. A must for every investor. Been using the free version for a very long time
Love Spybot 2.0. After 2 weeks of struggling trying to remove Coupon Dropdown, I finally tried Spybot 2.0 and it was the only one that worked--after trying Malwarebytes anti-Malware, McAfee and many others.